From the course: Hiring and Supporting Neurodiversity in the Workplace

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Accommodating neurodivergent candidates and employees

Accommodating neurodivergent candidates and employees

From the course: Hiring and Supporting Neurodiversity in the Workplace

Accommodating neurodivergent candidates and employees

- There are a lot of questions about what a workplace accommodation is. In fact, the United States Department of Labor defines it as any change or adjustment to the actual job, the job environment, or the way of doing things to allow an individual with a disability to apply for a job, secure a job or acquire access to benefits available to other individuals in the workplace. So, one of my teammates has chronic pain. So we allow flexible start and end times as long as we keep the channels of communication open. Some individuals skip permission to record meetings using their phones so they can play them back later time to ensure they don't miss anything. This allows them to keep up with the pace of the meeting and take notes later. These are all examples of reasonable accommodations and none of these costs a thing. Reasonable accommodations allow an individual with a disadvantage to have tools that provide access to the same…
