From the course: Hiring and Supporting Neurodiversity in the Workplace

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- Neurodivergent workers communication needs are going to differ from what is traditionally used in the workplace In our last video, you met my friend Deanna and learned about communication in the workplace as a neurodivergent. Deanna talked about first attempting to disclose their OCD to their colleague, but they said, oh, I have OCD too. I'm so organized. Not understanding all the dimensions of what OCD is and that Deanna was sharing a real experience. Well, let's go over some ways you can proactively avoid miscommunication like this in your workplace. If someone communicates with you as an HR representative, don't minimize. Take what the other person is sharing at face value and ask questions, clarifying questions such as I don't understand what you're sharing well. Can you explain better? Effective communication starts with recognizing that every individual communicates in different ways. Sometimes Deanna likes to receive information verbally and sometimes written. It depends on…
