From the course: Hiring and Supporting Neurodiversity in the Workplace

It's time to talk about neurodiversity

(gentle music) - You may have heard this word, neurodiversity, but you aren't sure what it means and how it applies to you as a human resource manager. Well, neurodiversity is an umbrella term for autism, ADHD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, and other learning differences. We all learn differently; that's a given. But many times, we aren't given the opportunity to advocate for how our learning and communication style influence how we work best. Hi, I'm Tiffany Jameson, an HR professional, organizational psychologist, and most importantly, a parent of two wonderful neurodivergent young adults. In this course, I'll explain more about what neurodiversity is and how you can best support candidates and current team members who learn and communicate differently. Plus, you'll meet some neurodivergent friends and hear firsthand about their workplace experiences. This course, it's all about embracing how each of us learns differently by focusing on workplace needs from a neurodiversity lens. So let's get started.
