From the course: Hiring and Supporting Neurodiversity in the Workplace

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Marci talks about remote working

Marci talks about remote working

- Marcelle is an expert in the field of neurodiversity in the workplace and serves as a Senior Manager of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and ambassador for an engineering firm with a neurodiversity hiring initiative. Marcelle Ciampi is joining us to discuss remote working from a neurodivergent lens. (upbeat music) So Marcie, when you worked remote, what are some things that have worked really well for you, but what are some things that haven't and you've had to ask for some changes? - Remote work allows for those of us who have disabilities, whether it's physical, cognitive, or another form, such as a mood condition, it allows us that flexibility so when we're having more challenging days or challenging hours, we can put our work effort on hold and pick up where we left off and continue to be productive and important contributors in the workplace in a way that fits our lifestyle and our comfort. Also, I have several…
