From the course: Hiring and Supporting Neurodiversity in the Workplace

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Remote working

Remote working

- [Narrator] In our last video, we had met Marci and learned about her experience as a neurodivergent employee working remote. Marci talked about the major benefits of remote working, including how it allows her the ability to independently control her work schedule and create disability accessible work systems. The result, less stress, greater productivity, and more enjoyable work. Like Marci, a lot of people with neurodiversity can work long spurts of time because the cognitive ability is there, they just need more space to be productive. Another benefit is the freedom to take auditory only meetings. For example, some autistic people have coexisting conditions and are managing a disability with their full-time job. So having the option to sit in a comfortable place and take audio calls only saves their energy. If you're not neurodivergent, you might not think about the pitfalls of a long commute or public transportation…
