From the course: Hiring and Supporting Neurodiversity in the Workplace

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Revising the interview process for neurodiversity

Revising the interview process for neurodiversity

From the course: Hiring and Supporting Neurodiversity in the Workplace

Revising the interview process for neurodiversity

- A traditional interview approach is behavioral-based. It asks how the candidate handled something in the past. And this interview approach is often the nemesis for employment for neurodivergent. Why? First, they require an abstract type of thinking on your feet that requires quick auditory processing and working memory. More abstract questions require more energy to figure out what the real question is. Second, gaps in employment or lack of past experience for this group is common, often eliminating them from having experiences to share. Then thirdly, there is impression management. Usually, the neurodivergent knows they should be putting on a positive front, but feeling like they have to present themselves in a certain way to appear normal just adds another layer of anxiety to manage. So you might be thinking, what should an interview look like? If you must include a traditional interview, here's what your team…
