From the course: Hiring and Supporting Neurodiversity in the Workplace

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Understanding the challenges for five groups

Understanding the challenges for five groups

- One of the most important reasons an HR professional must understand your diversity is to fully appreciate and acknowledge the toll working in a neuro-typical world has on many neurodivergent people. It starts with recognizing the natural differences in the way the human brain interprets information. By understanding these differences, you can begin to show empathy for those that experience life differently than you. So let's chat about some of the common challenges for neurodivergent people in the workplace, starting with executive functioning. Executive functioning is a set of mental skills that include working memory, flexible thinking, and self-control. A person with strong executive functioning can multitask, is extremely organized, and has the ability to plan and prioritize tasks. These individuals work well in project management roles. Now, we use our executive functioning extensively throughout the day. When…
