From the course: How to Innovate and Stay Relevant in Times of Change and Uncertainty

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How to select the best innovative ideas

How to select the best innovative ideas

(upbeat rock music) - When you're in a time of change, you can't judge ideas in the same way that you normally would, and I recommend you address this at the very start before anyone comes up with any ideas. Based on the new situation you find yourself in, create a list of criteria that you will use to judge the ideas. These may be things like uses existing internal resources, or gives us an advantage over the competition. I recommend you consider some of these as options. Fills customer needs. Your customers' practical and emotional needs will be changing along with yours. If you can address those new needs, you may be onto something good. Can be done fast. Changes bring opportunities, and being first to market can give you an advantage. Fits with our purpose. Most good companies have a purpose that drives what they do. A good idea should build on this, or at least not betray it. Spend time coming up with as many of…
