From the course: How to Manage Lean Six Sigma Projects: Part I

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Lean Six Sigma project charter

Lean Six Sigma project charter

- The project charter is the means by which management provides legitimacy to the Lean Six Sigma Project. It is an internal contract between senior management and the project team. The project charter should be developed initially by the project champion before project launch and completed by the green or black belt project leader during the define phase. Any changes or updates need to be approved by the champion. So what actually goes into the document? Well, I'll tell you. It should specify the project name, the problem to be addressed, the goal or objective statement, the scope of the project, the CTQs are critical to quality requirements of processes impacted by the project. The key project metric to be improved, the expected operational and financial benefits, project milestones, the names of everyone involved in the project, including the project champion, the green belt or black belt project leader, the core…
