From the course: How to Succeed as a Social Media Manager Nano Tips with Joanna Yung

How to build a social media manager portfolio

From the course: How to Succeed as a Social Media Manager Nano Tips with Joanna Yung

How to build a social media manager portfolio

- Forget about resume. You want to stand out from your competitions. Chances are, you need a portfolio. But why, what's wrong with my resume? Well, that's because your potential clients will want to see concrete evidence of the skills and experience you claim to have. So here's how you can create a social media manager portfolio that will get you hired. So the first thing that you need to include in your portfolio is a short bio about yourself that highlights your experience, your skills, and the value that you can offer to your ideal client's business as a social media manager. If you want to take it to the next level, you can even include a short video in your bio to make it even more engaging. Then, list all of your relevant skills, including specific marketing skills, and softwares, and tool skills that you have mastered. The third thing that you want to include in your portfolio is to showcase your work. This includes all of the best performing posts that you have created in the past, copywriting samples, and case studies of any successful social media campaigns that you were involved in. Then, of course, be sure to include all the written testimonials and video testimonials from your clients. Oh, and don't forget about call to actions. Encourage your prospect to take the next step with you and how they can contact you everywhere in your portfolio. Finally, once you've decided on the content for your portfolio, take some time to make sure that everything looks polished, professional, and on-brand.
