From the course: How to Support Flexible Work as a Manager

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Case study

Case study

- With over 19,000 independent agents, State Farm is one of the largest insurance companies in the world. The company's on-the-ground teams rely on being able to interact directly with customers to get their claims handled, but all that changed after the pandemic. The company had to quickly introduce virtual work arrangements for its employees, and it wasn't easy for everyone to adapt. To find out how State Farm validated their new arrangements using employee input and data, I spoke with Christie Greer, a weather and catastrophe services team member. In our conversation. Christie shared that State Farm gathers feedback from its team members on a quarterly basis. And she described why this is so important. - [Christie] You know, we know that our employees are going to shape our customer experience. And I've always thought, if I've got a happy, well-adjusted employee, I'm going to have a very happy customer. So, that…
