From the course: HR Guidelines Everyone Should Know

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Intentionally build a healthy company culture

Intentionally build a healthy company culture

From the course: HR Guidelines Everyone Should Know

Intentionally build a healthy company culture

- Culture is a hot buzzword today, and rightfully so. It is almost always the root of organizational success or failure. Every organization has a culture. Culture will happen whether or not you intentionally create it. You need to intentionally build a healthy company culture. A healthy culture will only happen with intention and action. Culture is defined in a variety of different ways, though I most prefer the definition of it simply being the personality of a team. Culture oftentimes makes up the uniquely better aspects of a team, the competitive advantage of an organization. Culture is what makes you, you. This is an all encompassing definition of the interactions, the practices, communication, and the overall environment of your organization. First, sit down and ask yourself what type of organizational culture you want to build within your team? There is more than one type of organizational health. Same as the…
