From the course: HR Guidelines Everyone Should Know

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Prepare to negotiate salary

Prepare to negotiate salary

- I sat in my salary negotiation to move overseas to Asia for a job, and thought, "Show me the money!" The recruiter came back with a rebuttal in the negotiation. She said, "Okay, we can't pay your asking salary, "but we will add X amount of dollars, "and this will be in addition to housing, "a driver, a cook, and a clothing allowance. "And we will pay for all of the moving costs "for you to come here. "This is our final offer." Negotiating may seem simple at first until you realize the complexities that factor into negotiating to make it wise, equitable, and fair. And this brings me to another important HR guideline that you should be considering for your organization. You need to prepare to negotiate salary. First, you need to know what is on the table. Negotiating may seem straightforward at first until you realize that there is more on the table than just cash. Negotiating begins with knowing what is on the table.…
