From the course: Infographic Design Theory: How the Market and Science Impact Success

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Infographics for marketing

Infographics for marketing

- In most cases, infographics are created to achieve a brand's marketing goals. To best understand this, put yourself in the shoes of a marketer for a moment. Regardless of the marketer's title or specialization, all marketers share the same goal of engaging current and prospective customers to earn their loyalty and drive those customers into their brand's sales funnel. To achieve this goal, marketers must create content that connects with their audiences on social media, external websites, at in-person events, like conferences, and more. Once they've garnered the attention of their audience, they must set that audience on a path to learn more about the brand or service, which often requires more content. After their audience has learned more, marketers must deliver content that convinces that audience to become a customer. And after someone has become a customer, marketers must deliver more content that encourages…
