From the course: InfraWorks: Enhancing and Optimizing Roads

Model housekeeping

- [Instructor] Once you have opened the InfraWorks 2021 Road Design Model, click on the utilities button over on the right hand side and click application options. Here, we're just going to make sure that our 3D graphics are set to optimize for speed. Now by default, you can either optimize for speed or optimize for quality. Since we are interested in getting things done as quickly as possible and we're not bothered about creating stunning visuals and rendering for stakeholders, we're just going to leave things as simple as possible. So we're going to switch off water reflections, realistic water, shadows, those kinds of things. You can always turn them on or off, you know, as you go through, but for speed right now, let's keep them turned off. Hit okay and then head over to the model panel and click the model properties button. This will bring up the model properties. This is where we're going to do some basic housekeeping to make sure that our model is set up in the correct way. The first thing you see is the coordinate system area. This is where we see the coordinate system we're working in. So LL84 and the display coordinates. Those are the ones that you will see as you mouse around your model. It's important if you're working with GIS data sources that come from multiple agencies to know what your coordinate system for the model is because often there's a neat convert from one local coordinate system to another and it's good to know exactly what you have to convert to Next up, we have the extent panel. You can define this interactively by using a bounding box. This was built by Model Builder, so when I built it, I specified an extent there when we put it together. If you aren't working on the InfraWorks 2021 Road Design Model and you're working on your own model, then you could either define a boning box or a polygon, or if you're working with a set of GIS data and you want to clip it to a certain county, or a certain city, or even some city blocks, you can load those extents from a GIS file. However, what we're most interested in for this particular course is this panel over here, the road design standards panel. This is where we put your road designs into practice. Right now, InfraWorks has three options. So AASHTO imperial, AASHTO metric, and D-M-R-B metric. AASHTO stands for the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. As I mentioned, you've got the option of going imperial or metric. If you're in the UK, we have the option of having the DMRB metric standards. So that's Design Manual for Roads and Bridges in the UK. It's only available in metric, which is quite ironic because the UK is the only place in Europe where you still have road signs and speed limits in miles per hour, but the road standards are in metric. But anyway, I digress. What we're working with in this particular model is AASHTO metric 2011. If you're working with the InfraWorks 2021 Road Design Model, you don't have to do anything here. However if you are working with your own model, then you just have to make sure that you know which set of design standards you need to work to and what coordinate system you're working in, because this could save you a lot of hassle down the road. Once you're done, hit OK and we're ready to go.
