From the course: InfraWorks: Enhancing and Optimizing Roads

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Modifying component roads

Modifying component roads

- [Instructor] We've created a road. We've added new components. And then we create an assembly that we've added to the assembly library so that we can use it in future developments. So we are still at... Bookmark number two component roads. And now what we're going to do is we're going to use that assembly that we just created a couple of minutes ago. And use it to replace some sections of the road that we've drawn. So, click on your road to selected. Right-click Road Assembly. And then instead of saying Add to Library, this time we're going to replace the assembly. Now it's going to ask you what style you want is. You can choose anything that's in the library. Remember we called ours Linda. Well, I called mine Linda. You might have called yours Dave or whoever you are. You can just... Type in again to get your filtered... Objects. And we're going to choose Linda 2 Lane Grass medium. And now this little orange…
