From the course: InfraWorks: Enhancing and Optimizing Roads

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Road type refresher

Road type refresher

- [Instructor] Let's have a bit of a road refresher. You don't have to do anything with this video. In fact, if you have a look at it, this video was actually created with Infraworks 2018. Now, if you're familiar with previous versions of Infraworks, you may be familiar with the evolutions of roads since the product was launched. And this is just a recap of what was available, and what's still available now. So this type of road that we have here is a planning road and it still exists within Infraworks 2021. It's a lightweight road that uses spline geometry. And the way that planning roads are created is usually through the data source import wizard. So you can see here if we went to the data source import wizard, obviously this looks different now. We have lots and lots of data types that you can import. And if we go to our roads folder, we have Portland streets. This is an SV shaped file which was imported into the model…
