From the course: InfraWorks: Enhancing and Optimizing Roads

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Traffic simulation: Quick simulation

Traffic simulation: Quick simulation - InfraWorks Tutorial

From the course: InfraWorks: Enhancing and Optimizing Roads

Traffic simulation: Quick simulation

- [Instructor] Right now, let's go back to our quick simulation by bringing up our asset card. So we right click within our traffic analysis zone and bring up the traffic card. Again we have a little report here, we can play the animation. We've done that before as well. What we can also do is go to the result volume panel. We have a couple of options here, so we have a per lane approach or per approach bar. So the difference between that is it will tell you, how many cars are going in that direction, what the queue is, and what the average delay is. So here we can see we've got a very large queue. So over here, 142 feet, and it's taking over two minutes to get through that particular intersection. This approach on the other hand is quite great because the average delay, there is only 48 seconds. If we changed to per lane, it doesn't change here, which is a bit annoying, but the whole thing is if there were two lanes…
