From the course: InfraWorks: Enhancing and Optimizing Roads

What you should know

- [Instructor] Kind of funny story, this course was started using InfraWorks version 2021, and then like three minutes before I finished the recording, Autodesk pushed out InfraWorks 2021.1. Now I would have ignored it, but it had some brilliant new refined analysis for bridges, so I couldn't. So what this means is that within the exercise files that you unpack, so InfraWorks 2021 Bridge Design, you will find some exercise files and you'll find seven model files, so 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and then 6 upgrade. I didn't want to upgrade all of the models in case other people hadn't upgraded because we all know that InfraWorks models are not backwards-compatible. So if you still have version 2021, you'll be able to use models 1 through 6 as they are. If you are on version 21.1, simply upgrade them and go. Now this course will work perfectly well on version 2021, except for the refined analysis exercise, which is specific to version 21.1. The major differences between InfraWorks 2021 and InfraWorks 2021, version one, are the homepage. So you can see the homepage looks a little bit different on 21, version one, and the refined analysis for bridges. So you can see here that I have Model 1, Model 2, Model 3, Model 4, Model 5, Model 6. So these little version conflicts, all you have to do is click on it to open, it will ask you whether you want to upgrade it or upgrade a copy, and you're good to go. However, if you were still using just plain old version 2021, then these models will be absolutely fine for you. So that's just something you have to bear in mind when you are working with this particular course. During this course, we're going to be working with InfraWorks, we're going to be working with Inventor and we're going to be working with Revit. So you'll need all three of those in order to follow along with the exercises. Whenever I do courses, I like to use trials because some of the things that we do require cloud credits, and it's really, really easy just to kind of burn an enormous hole in your organization's cloud credit bank account, if you're just playing around and learning something. So that's why I always use trials as opposed to proper software. I think it goes without saying that you should not try these techniques on an actual work in progress until you've kind of mastered them. Play around with it a couple of times, and then decide whether or not you want to let yourself loose on your real-world files. But that's just something to bear in mind. And without further ado, let's design some bridges.
