From the course: InfraWorks: Enhancing and Optimizing Roads

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Working with component roads

Working with component roads

- [Instructor] Let's have a closer look at component roads and what we can do with those. So from the home position, I'd like you to go to the bookmark tab and go to bookmark number two component roads, that will zoom you into our site. So if you scroll around, just take a look at the site, and choose the road directly in front of you. You'll notice that this is already a component road. Now we can tell that because of the information that's available to us in the stack. Now component roads are assemblies of different parts. So for example, if we zoom into the one that we have selected over here, with the road selected, click on the left-hand side component. Now you'll notice that the rest of the road kind of goes to a lighter blue and the stack changes. So you'll see that we have a sidewalk and then if we click on the piece next to it, this is still a sidewalk, but it's made of a different material. After that, we…
