From the course: Insights on Automotive Design with Veejay Gahir

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How long does it take to get from the concept phase to the sales floor?

How long does it take to get from the concept phase to the sales floor?

From the course: Insights on Automotive Design with Veejay Gahir

How long does it take to get from the concept phase to the sales floor?

So, typically the design timeline for a vehicle can, it can range anywhere between two to five years, depending on the vehicle depending if it's a brand new vehicle that there's a lot of new design involved in it, it would take longer. If you are carrying over a lot of components, carrying over the engine, carrying over the drive train, then you can reduce that timeline. Also, when you carry over major components like that, you can eliminate certain testing that you need to do. So, you know, to get it done within two years is, is probably the minimal amount of time. I've heard of programs that have been done in less than that, but they've been really compressed. And you know, they use a lot of carryover components. But for a typical production vehicle, you know, you're looking from between two to four years.
