From the course: Interaction Design: Projects and Platforms

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Defining scenarios

Defining scenarios

- [Narrator] You now have a better understanding of your customers because you've interviewed them and observed them in their environment. User archetypes have been created so you now know what each user needs in order to have a good experience with your product. Now it's time to start thinking about how to approach this from a design perspective. Scenarios are a story that highlights how the user interacts with your product within a time period. They capture moments from a day in the life of the user or a snapshot of an activity, but they aren't use cases. Scenarios help drive clarity in how a product is being used. Let's look at an example of a scenario for a file sharing service. John has a meeting with the sales team and wants to share sales numbers with them before the meeting. John updates documents on his laptop at home and syncs it to his work folder. As he runs out of the door, he wants Amy, his teammate, to make some updates before the meeting. He opens his mobile app and…
