From the course: iOS Development Tips

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3D text with SceneKit

3D text with SceneKit

- [Instructor] While I'm not a master at SceneKit, it does intrigue me. One cool and relatively easy feature is using 3D text. SceneKit has text geometry you can use to add 3D text to projects. Let me show you how to do that on an iPhone project. Download the Xcode starter project from GitHub. Instead of a game template, I used a single view template and set up the scene programmatically, laying it out in code so you can transfer this easily to a playground if you wish. I added some sliders, so you can move the camera around, and the code to move the camera. Head to the view controller code, to the make scene method. You can see that I've already added the scene, the camera node, and the lighting. The camera node will be moving around by those sliders. On the bottom there, you'll see where it says do your work there, give yourself some space and we'll add some coding here. First thing we're gonna do is make a SCNText object with our text in it. So we're gonna do that as let…
