From the course: iOS Development Tips

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Accessibility labels

Accessibility labels

- [Instructor] iOS does as much as it can to help you as a developer build apps with high accessibility, with many accessible items built in. However, there's a few times you'll need to help out to give your users with visual impairments the best experience possible using VoiceOver. Let's look at some very simple ideas you can use to make your app more accessible. Now I've got here a small app that shows the weather. You know, you can't use for VoiceOver the simulators, 'cause it doesn't exist. You have to use a real device. So I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to run this on my iPad here. Okay, and we get a little app here that just shows the weather, and you can push one of these buttons on the bottom here. So I push the Rain button, and it shows rain. I push the Clouds button, it shows clouds, and snow and sunshine. Okay. You can see how it works. All pretty straightforward, not that big of a deal, but it's got…
