From the course: iOS Development Tips

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Actions in table views

Actions in table views

- [Instructor] Sometimes table views could use a few buttons. There's two delegates which create swipe buttons on table view cells. Those are how you can use these to implement those buttons and an interesting hidden feature you can do with them. Download and open the exercise file. You'll find a table view like this one I set up for you that lists just row numbers starting with one. So head on over to the table view controller here so you can get into the code and we can close all the rest of this out. And just below row count was where we're going to do our stuff. There is two delegate methods, one for the leading swipe configuration and one for the trailing swipe configuration. They work identically, so I'm going to just start with the trailing one. So underneath let row count equal 12, let's put this delegate method, and that's going to be table view like you normally do for all the table views and you'll see all this stuff and just go down here until you find something that says…
