From the course: iOS Development Tips

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Add dynamic type for accessibility

Add dynamic type for accessibility

From the course: iOS Development Tips

Add dynamic type for accessibility

- [Instructor] For reading ease and visual accessibility, you should be using dynamic fonts whenever possible. Let's look at the exercise files for an example. I've run the split view controller from a previous tip in landscape on an iPad Pro 9.7 inch. Take a look at the labels here. They're hard to read because they're so small. iOS has a system to make fonts bigger using dynamic type. Let's look at a few issues with dynamic type programmatically. For the user, you need to change one setting to make this bigger. So click on the home button, and I'm going to slide over here to Settings. And you'll see under here, Accessibility. And you'll see a entry, Larger text. On the bottom of this is a slider which you can notch up for larger text, and I can pop this up, and you'll see that everything is starting to become bigger. For even larger text, I could actually click on the larger accessibility sizes and that gives me even more sizes. And I'm going to make this pretty big. Now if you go…
