From the course: iOS Development Tips

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Add stickers to your app

Add stickers to your app

- [Instructor] Well, it's not the most important feature of our app. You can get some brand recognition and have some fun with iMessage stickers. Let's look at how easy it is to add stickers to your app. I have the pizza time app for my earlier tips miniseries on widgets here. I'm going to add stickers to it. Your first step is to add a new target to the app. So I'm going to go over here and go to file, new target and we're going to use the iOS targets. And then over here in the filter, I can put in a sticker. I could probably just put sticker and I'll get it. And there you find it. You'll see that we have a sticker pack extension. You can actually make your own app with this called the Sticker Prep app but I'm just going to use the extension here. This is going to go onto this particular app that I already have and hit next. And it'll ask for a product name and I'm going to call it pizza sticker pack and then make sure…
