From the course: iOS Development Tips

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Animate maps

Animate maps

- [Instructor] In an earlier tip, I showed you how to make a map in iPad Playgrounds. Let's learn how to animate those maps. You're doing a flyover of Michigan Avenue in Chicago from Chess Records to North Avenue Beach. Since this is a north-south street, it makes it easy to change only the latitude to get flyover. So go ahead and download the starter file, where I've set up a map of Chicago. Now, I started this out with our starting location, and so you'll see some of the things I've added. I've got a start location and an end latitude, and I'm only gonna be incrementing the latitude, so I just have the latitude here, and I'm gonna keep changing it from this to this. I made a start map view, which will set up my map, and I loaded that in viewDidLoad. I've also got a button here, which'll be my flyover button, that'll start my animation, that starts with animate, and I have on the bottom here, a method animate, which is where I'm gonna do all my work. So the first thing I'm gonna do…
