From the course: iOS Development Tips

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Basic PencilKit

Basic PencilKit

- [Instructor] One of the new iOS 13 frameworks not talked about much is PencilKit. There's a lot to explore here but you can start experimenting with only three lines of code. So I'm going to open up a new Storyboard project. So I'll go to single view app here, hit next. I'm going to choose the user interface to Storyboard. I'm going to call this PencilKitDemo. Swift is the language, that's good. So I hit next. And I'll just store it on my desktop for now. And here we are. We're just go straight into the storyboard. And we don't need anything here. The storyboard is not going to be used here. There's no place the library to pick up one of these things. So we've got a lot of other things here. But PencilKit is not there yet. So what you do is you're going to do this programmatically. And so we'll go straight to the view controller. And we can get rid of some this other stuff. And our first line is going to be to…
