From the course: iOS Development Tips

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Blur and vibrancy effects

Blur and vibrancy effects

- [Instructor] Throughout iOS, you'll see blurred and translucent backgrounds, like you do on notifications. While it might look difficult, there's a special view you can use to get the same effect. Let's look at how to use the UI visual effect view in both storyboard and code. If you download the example file and go to the storyboard, like I have here, you'll see this layout I made, and if you look at it all, I've got view here, I've got a background image, and I have the french toast label, and I have a stack view. You could tell from this all, though, that it's not easy to read. It's very hard to read the french toast, and it's very hard to read the descriptions below, and so what I would like to do is have a way of highlighting that. Now, usual ways of doing this might be, for example, I could change a color, and I could change this color, here, for this text, and you'll see, you know what, it still doesn't do well on an image. You still have problems because the colors keep…
