From the course: iOS Development Tips

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Candle effects

Candle effects

- [Instructor] While you might not expect a holiday special from a tech series, many traditions at this time of year use candles. And that gives us a great time to show you a core animation in emitter, to make a candle flame. So, download the exercise file, you'll find out I set up much of what you need as a CA emitter layer. On the storyboard, I made a candle out of a single white button, and with a view that I called flame view. If you go to the view controller, you'll see that I've started to set this all up. Now, there are two major parts here. And I've already got an error for one of them because I haven't written that code, but the first part here is the emitter cell. And you can see that up top here. The emitter cell creates a particle and that's the single spark in the fire and it has a ton of properties. And I could've just gone through all these properties but I'm going to just show you a couple of them…
