From the course: iOS Development Tips

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Custom widgets with intents, part 1

Custom widgets with intents, part 1

From the course: iOS Development Tips

Custom widgets with intents, part 1

- [Narrator] In previous tips, I showed you how to make widgets and timelines for widgets. In the next few tips, I'll show you how to create user configurable settings for those widgets using Intents. Intents are core component of Siri cat, and can be its own very deep subject. We're going to skip all the serious stuff and focus on widgets. So you don't need to know anything about Intents for this mini series. First step is of course, to make the intent. So what we're going to do is go over here, where it says pizza time widget, and I'm going to click on there, go to new file, and I'm going to get an intent and the filter, and there's the intent definition file, I'm just going to, double-click it. Very important. First step is where it says targets here. We're going to need both of these, the pizza time and the widget extension. And I'm also going to need to change the name here. So I'm going to change the…
