From the course: iOS Development Tips

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Customizing the tab bar

Customizing the tab bar

- [Instructor] One of the more perplexing parts of using tab bar controllers is customizing tabs. If you understand some of the properties of a image, you can do some major customization. Download the example file. If you open the main storyboard, you'll see three ViewControllers. You may see question marks in the image, but click on the assets. And then click back on the main storyboard, and they should come back in. Zoom out a little bit, so you can see all three controllers and center them. And I haven't made the Tab bar yet, but I can marquee drag over top of them. So I've got them all selected. Head up to Editor, Embed in, Tab Bar Controller, and now I have a tab bar controller here. And I'm gonna just put this aside for the moment, so you can see everything. And just to prove that they are actually all connected, I'm gonna drag these out a little bit. You'll see on the bottom here that each one has a tab bar, and that will be how you would configure the icons which I did for you…
