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Documents in SwiftUI

Documents in SwiftUI

- [Instructor] Document Groups at SwiftUI create a document based app that handles much of the file management stuff for you. Let's take a look at Document Groups by making a small SwiftEditor. I'm going to start from scratch here and make a new project. So you'll find we got welcome to Xcode here, so I'm going to just hit, create a new project, and I have two places I can do this by the way, I can do it in Multiplatform and there is a Document App here. I'm going to do an iOS just to make it a little simpler. And so I'm going to do Document App and hit next. And I'm going to set a product name and I'm going to make this SwiftTinyEditor, and I'm going to use an SwiftUI interface, SwiftUI App and language of Swift. So though that's the same, so we're good here. I'm going to go ahead and hit next and I'm just going to save it to my desktop, and I got my app, okay. Now I'm going to do a little cleanup here and make my…
