From the course: iOS Development Tips

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Holiday special: Let it snow

Holiday special: Let it snow

From the course: iOS Development Tips

Holiday special: Let it snow

- [Instructor] SwiftUI in iOS 14 integrates many frameworks you've used before. One of those is SpriteKit integration. Let's add some snow via SpriteKit's particle emitter to a SwiftUI project. Now, I've created a simple SwiftUI project to do this and to simplify things, I've already imported an emitter file, which you can find up here and you can see there it goes. It's snowing. And some graphics for some snowflakes, which I put right in here in the Sprite Atlas. So it's actually using the spark. So that's all set to go. I'm actually going now into ContentView and I'm not going to need this anymore, so I'll zoom this out and you can see that I got my little Snow label here and I've set it up in an HStack for everything to work right. So I'm going to go ahead and close that up too so we have plenty of room to work. Now, first of all, I'm going to need SpriteKit here. So I'm going to put an import SpriteKit…
