From the course: iOS Development Tips

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iPad to macOS

iPad to macOS

- [Instructor] If you can write for iPad, you can write for macOS. Starting in Xcode 11, your projects for iPad and Xcode can become macOS projects. Let's learn how easy it is to start working in macOS. Now, I've made a project for you which is a variation of the menu board I use often for these steps in SwiftUI. To learn more about what I did here, check out the SwiftUI Essential Training course in the library. We can run this on the simulator and I've got this set for an iPad Pro to see how it works. And it loads and we get a menu and I can click the Mac and Cheese here. And see my mac and cheese. So it works fine here. So I'm going to go ahead and try turn it into a Mac app. Now, the first thing you're going to have to do is have a valid and updated developer profile. So make sure that you've got your developer profile set up properly for your provisioning profiles and the like. You may have to accept new…
