From the course: iOS Development Tips

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Keyboard shortcut modifier

Keyboard shortcut modifier

From the course: iOS Development Tips

Keyboard shortcut modifier

- [Instructor] Hardware keyboards are becoming more popular with iPads. Starting in iOS 14, keyboard shortcuts are becoming very easy to add and use in your Swift UI applications for iPad. Let's take a look at how to do this, and some testing tips. Now I have an application I made to demo this with three buttons. And I've already got it started in preview here. I can add, I can delete, I can add some more, and then I can change the number of columns, and it'll toggle through different members of columns. So that works fine. So I've put on here what I would like for keyboard shortcuts. Now, for the real use of this, the preview is going to be pretty useless for this, so I'm going to hit command return and give myself some space. And so we have just code here. And you'll see here, I've got my code for my buttons here, and you can see the caption labels and the whole thing here. And I built a little thing for caption label…
