From the course: iOS Development Tips

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Local notifications in SwiftUI

Local notifications in SwiftUI

From the course: iOS Development Tips

Local notifications in SwiftUI

- [Instructor] Local notifications are very useful for telling users about situations in an app, even when the app is not running. However, most implementations do not take Swift UI into mind. Let's take a look at a few issues you need to know about launching a Swift UI based local notification. Now, I've set up an app here and you'll see there's a button in here for the content view that says Send Notification and that's found in Order button. And I'm going to go over here to Order button and you'll see over here, I have my Order button. I can actually go resume it, it's not very exciting over here. It's just a button that just says order and it's a title comes from a string. So it's just a very simple idea. That's nothing's really special about the button itself. I'm going to close up the preview because that's not what's really important here. What I'm really interested in is right here. I've made for you a method…
