From the course: iOS Development Tips

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Make round buttons

Make round buttons

- [Instructor] In the good old days, Apple used a lot of rounded corner buttons. Today, most developers use several images to get the effect of round buttons. The CALayer of UIButton does have a feature for you to easily get rounded corners, and even circular buttons. Download and open the starter file. It doesn't do much but look pretty. Head over to the storyboard, like I have here, and you'll see that there's a series of rectangular buttons, in the stack view, and one square button. There's also an image here, and if you got like I have here, with a question mark, all you need to do is go over to assets, hit the image, and then go back to the storyboard, and it'll clear itself up. Now, I've also made outlets for the square button and for the stack view that's here. But, I did not do that for each of these individual buttons. And you'll see why in a sec. Go ahead, and head over to the view controller class, and we don't need attributes anymore, so we'll close that up. We're gonna do…
