From the course: iOS Development Tips

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Multiplatform Swift UI

Multiplatform Swift UI

- [Instructor] Another new feature of Xcode 12.2 is the Multiplatform app. These apps compile for both iOS and Mac OS directly. Let's take a look at this new option for creating apps. I'm going to start with creating the new project. On the new project, I'll select multi-platform. And I'm going to select the app here and hit Next. And it's going to ask me for a name, like any other project. So I'm going to name this Multiplatform. And it's very much the same as we normally see with a few changes team and Organization identifiers, the same, you got Bundle identifiers and you can include Code Data and Include tests. Notice we don't have anything about SwiftUI or UI kit or anything like that about storyboards 'cause this is only going to work with SwiftUI. So it's going to default it to one way of doing this. And hit Next. And I'm just going to save it on my desktop. And we come up with a SwiftUI content view here. I'm…
