From the course: iOS Development Tips

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Prototyping MapKit in iPad Playgrounds

Prototyping MapKit in iPad Playgrounds

From the course: iOS Development Tips

Prototyping MapKit in iPad Playgrounds

- [Instructor] The Xcode simulator leaves a lot to be desired when prototyping with map kit. It's often slow and pinch and zoom for a map works poorly for a mouse or track pad. For this reason, I often use iPad playgrounds over the Xcode simulators when code writing for maps. You get a faster, more accurate representation of your code while developing. Let me show you how quickly it is to make a map on an iPad. Open up a new playground. There's a template for maps in playground in Xcode, but not on the iPad. I'm going to use this new blank playground and I'm going to change the name to map prototype. I'll go into the playground and then I'm going to add the following three lines for imports. Import UIKit, import PlaygroundSupport, and import MapKit. We're going to do this in a view controller, so we're going to add a view controller with a viewDidLoad so we're going to do this as class and we'll name it MapViewController and then a colon and then UIViewController, like that. Inside of…
