From the course: iOS Development Tips

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Quick SwiftUI

Quick SwiftUI

- [Instructor] By now you've heard about SwiftUI, the new layout system for the entire Apple Ecosystem. This week I'm going to give you a short introduction to what SwiftUI can do. So go ahead and download the exercise file, and you'll have a project I've started. It includes a model of breakfast foods, that says toast, and some other images, and I've also made four SwiftUI files for you. I'm going to make a breakfast menu in a few minutes. Now I'm going to close out everything here, and that includes, by the way, in here, where it says Editor and Canvas, you may have this on. I only have Editor Only. I like to use Editor Only and not use the Canvas, although Apple has been hawking the Canvas. It's got the same problem I find with Auto Layout that it crashes all the time while you're writing code, and it's got syntax errors. So it is just a lot easier, and a lot less annoying, and a lot more space, to go Editor Only here. I'm going to close out everything else, and I'm even going to…
