From the course: iOS Development Tips

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Reality Composer

Reality Composer

- [Instructor] Apple is going all in on augmented reality. To make it even easier to use augmented reality, RealityKit was introduced at WWDC 2019. Before we look at RealityKit next week, let's look at an app for iOS and macOS that makes your experience authoring AR much easier, Reality Composer. You can find Reality Composer in the Developer's tools by right-clicking the Xcode icon on the bottom or going to Xcode on the top here, and going to Open Developer Tool, Reality Composer. However, I'm going to use the iPad version since the built-in camera can also test your AR scenes. Now I downloaded the app from the App Store, and started it up. It's a File Manager that looks a lot like Swift Playgrounds and if you add anything here it will create a folder in iCloud to hold your projects. So I'm going to click the plus to add a new project, and it's going to ask me for an anchor. And you'll see several choices for this where…
