From the course: iOS Development Tips

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Scribble bugs

Scribble bugs

- [Instructor] Scribble is a great way to use handwriting recognition with many apps. And considering you have to do nothing to get it to work with standard controls, it is quite the bargain. However, there's a few quirks you have to watch for. And one, I find the most annoying, I refer to, as the scribble bug. The scribble bug happens anytime a text field is too close to some other control requiring gestures. For example, if you go into the storyboard for the exercise file, you'll find a text field, next to a slider. And this is the problem where you'll get it the most often. So, I'm going to go ahead and try this and see what happens. I've got a iPad already to run here. I'm just going to run it. And when it comes up on my screen here, I'm going to just use my finger, and I can slide the slider. I can add numbers in here. 42, for example. And I'll just tap on the other field. And that works fine. So that's fine.…
