From the course: iOS Development Tips

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Selections in watchOS

Selections in watchOS

- WatchOS tables and storyboards can be a little tricky. Let's look at the case of indicating a selection. If you load the exercise file and then go ahead and run it. You'll have a working table for an Apple watch. I discussed how to make this table in the watchOS courses in the LinkedIn library. I set it to show a pizza on top when one is selected below. So for example, I get the Huli chicken pizza here and it shows Huli chicken on the top. That's all good. The problem is this is going to scroll down the bottom here and I'll hit barbecue chicken. I have no feedback to say that I actually hit the barbecue chicken, even if I did. So I'd like some way of making sure that I can see that and the best way would be to change this background. So I'm going to head over here to the storyboard and stop the app and open the outline if it isn't open yet, so that we can see what we're going to do is I'm going to take this group here…
