From the course: iOS Development Tips

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So long, and thanks for all the views!

So long, and thanks for all the views!

From the course: iOS Development Tips

So long, and thanks for all the views!

- [Steven] As we come to the end of 16 seasons and four years of iOS Development Tips Weekly, I've decided this is the last episode. This is quite a remarkable achievement. It's rare for serial courses here on LinkedIn Learning to continue for more than a year. Over the time I've done this, there are have been more than 55,000 iOS developers have watched at least one episode of the series with 21 hours of content produced. I want to thank you very much for making this an exciting time of my life. There's a lot of new adventures I'd like to get into, and the weekly serial format won't do justice to what I have planned. You'll be finding out more about those new adventures shortly. However, I want to leave you with a few suggestions of where to go from here. If you're not familiar with my website,, check it out. It also has a lot of tips and I'm planning a lot more. Many of your favorite tips here in this…
