From the course: iOS Development Tips

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SwiftUI animation

SwiftUI animation

- [Instructor] Swift UI has a very different set of animation techniques and UI kit. Let's take a look at a few basic ones to understand where you need to begin. If you look at the exercise file I have four views which will activate the change to the flower image. I've got this in preview, so if I can go ahead and hit fade here, you'll see that I disappear both the caption and the photo. Corners, we'll put corners, and round the corners on the image and slide moves it to the right. Also I've got the reset button here, so that will set it back to its normal state. Now in each of these cases we have the basic reactive code that you normally would see in some of these situations. So what happens here if we look at the code right here where I've got the three buttons you've got the fade and it just has the name of the button, the title. And then underneath that it just changes a state, or in this case for fade, and…
