From the course: iOS Development Tips

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SwiftUI Changes for iOS 15

SwiftUI Changes for iOS 15

From the course: iOS Development Tips

SwiftUI Changes for iOS 15

- [Instructor] IOS15 brings some new and welcome changes to SwiftUI. Let's take a look at some of the visual changes which will make your SwiftUI coding a lot easier. I created a simple app which uses some SF symbols, you could see it right here and if you push the buttons, it will change between transportation types. You could actually get rid of the circle if you want, and it can go backwards this way too. I'm going to go back to a bicycle. And so I got it working, but I want to make it look pretty and we can try to put some new stuff in here, and we're going to take a look at some of the new features in SwiftUI that we can do that. One of the first I want to talk about is what's sometimes called markdown or markup, depending on who you're talking to, and that is putting some text characters into strings that will then change them without having to use attributed string. So for example, let me go in here to transport…
