From the course: iOS Development Tips

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SwiftUI checkboxes

SwiftUI checkboxes

- [Instructor] Well, there's some debate if SwiftUI is ready for production. SwiftUI is a major philosophy change from UI kit. Knowing how to think in SwiftUI is going to be your biggest challenge. While you go into the swift mindset and the newly updated SwiftUI essential training course that you can find in the LinkedIn learning library, I'm going to review it here for you with a simple checkbox. Now I've created a SwiftUI project and let's go ahead and run it. So I'm going to make sure I got a device here. And so I'm going to use an iPhone 11 and make sure you're on iOS because this is a multi-platform app and we could run it and you can see pretty much pretty simple. I'm just going to start it up the preview here, you've got a list on the bottom that you can click a number and the number shows up here. So what we're going to do is we're going to add a check box over on the right side. So we're going to start with that…
