From the course: iOS Development Tips

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SwiftUI Playgrounds

SwiftUI Playgrounds

- If you've taken my course swift UI essential training. You may be wanting to try out some of your knowledge in a playground on both iPad playgrounds and in X code. You can use swift UI to prototype quickly and just about anywhere. I do this a lot on my iPad. For example, I wrote the code we're going to use today in an airplane flying to Hawaii, 32,000 feet above the Pacific ocean on just an iPad mini. I go into playgrounds and swift UI in detail in the playgrounds application development course, which you can find in the Link in the learning library. But today I'd like to give you the quick way to get started in swift UI on playgrounds with a few tips along the way. Now I'm going to do this, the playgrounds app on my Mac for this demonstration. So go ahead and get that up and running. And I'm starting from scratch here. So I don't have any starting files, but I will go down here to blank and I'm going to use the…
